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  • Writer's pictureTiffany Alday

What's to Watch?

Every time I log in to my social media accounts, I notice that people are asking what's to watch. In this blog, I will let you know what is on our TV.

Family time in our home is at the end of every day after everyone is done with school and work. In my home, family time starts every evening at supper time. Usually, I cook a pretty awesome meal, and we sit and watch TV. However, there is only certain content that I want my children to watch and a lot of things we (mom and dad) have no interest in.

So what is on our TV?

Simple, Andy Griffith!

There are many reasons why we watch Andy Griffith. Andy Griffith, although black and white, is simply the best show that has ever been on TV. Basically, we have Netflix for Andy Griffith. My children love to watch this show. If they are watching TV in their room, they are watching Andy Griffith.

What is it about Andy Griffith that makes us watch it over and over?

It is a funny, southern, old time show, but every episode has a moral. There are lessons everyone can learn from in the episodes. It is hard to say which episodes are the best. However, my personal favorite episodes are the old black and white ones that Barney is in. So if you have young children you are trying to watch TV with, The Andy Griffith Show is great for family time.


What about when the kids are not around?

When the kids are not watching TV with us, when we are not watching Andy Griffith, we are watching Brooklyn 99. Brooklyn 99 is the only reason why we have Hulu.

Actually, we look forward to it coming on. Every one of the cast has a great part and the show would not be complete without each one of them. Many of you may know Terry Crews. I remember him from Friday, yes a long time ago. Then there is Andy Samberg. He is from Saturday Night Live. Melissa Fumero is from Gossip Girl. And Jo Lo Truglio is from Superbad. I did not highlight them all, but they are each awesome in this show. I recommend it to any one wanting to watch a good show, not advised to watch with kids.


Now for some FISHING! My husband and I used to be fishin' all the time! There was hardly a moment when you'd catch us off the water. However, now days, with a family and responsibilities, it is so much harder for us to actually dedicate that TIME to fishing. But we still have not lost the passion for fishing.

We just enjoy fishing another way... YouTube Fishing! If you have kids, this will be great to show for them to watch, and it could possibly start up an interest in fishing. Now to pick my favorite... If you know me, you know who I'm fixing to say. Let me give you a hint....

Did you guess who I'm talking about?

Scott Martin has been my favorite since my husband sparked my interest in fishing. Scott Martin's shows have always been my favorite! I am happy that my children got the opportunity to meet him and his family and camera man, Brandon at the Bainbridge Boat Basin when the FLW tour came to town.

If you have not seen Scott Martin's show, Scott Martin Challenge, you could learn a lot of valuable fishing tips, you may even get a laugh out of some of the jokes they pull on each other while they are traveling for the FLW tour. They have been stuck on tricking each other in eating the hottest hot sauce lately.

The next group that has some interesting content on YouTube will be the Googan Squad. If you are not familiar with the Googans you should check them out on YouTube. They are rising YouTube Stars. Each of the Googans also have their own YouTube channel or channels and I would recommend them to anyone.

First is Justin Rackley also known as Lake Fork Guy. He lives in Texas with his wife and new baby. You can catch his fishing adventures on his personal YouTube channel, or you can catch up on his family life with his family channel, Lake Life Family. His viewers were so interested in the Lake Fork Guy family time, they had to create another channel for family time and cooking, since his wife is a dietitian. You can also see some of the crafts they do together. Also, Stephanie Rackley has a blog called The Healthy Chew. You can find some of her yummy recipes.

I want to encourage you to encourage your children to collaborate with some of these people. Allie chose to write to Lake Fork Guy and he read her letter on one of his videos.

The next Googan is Lunkers, or Rob Terkla. You can also find his professional fishing tips on his YouTube channel. But like Lake Fork Guy, Rob and his wife had to create another channel for their viewers that shows their family life. That channel is called The Real Americans.

Cailey chose to write to Lunkers. He also read her letter in one of his videos. They enjoyed seeing them read their letters on TV, and they also replied to their letters.

The next Googans are a little bit younger, and don't have a family yet . However, they have been on YouTube since they were little teenagers reviewing fishing products. To see them and how they started could inspire your child to do something like that. Who knows, you may have the next YouTube Star.

Each one has something different to offer. Flair has recently bought a farm and his channel shows a lot of his new farm life and adventures as well as maintaining his new pond that has recently become overgrown by weeds.

Alex Peric is also known as AP Bassin on YouTube. He is different form the others because at times, he has a temper and has let it show a couple of times. His fishing trips are fun to watch as well.

Jon B is known for his perseverance in fishing. He is determined to find fish and even if his fishing trips are unsuccessful, the has a positive attitude about it.

Each of these members did not even know each other a few years ago. Then YouTube collaboration happened and they formed this new line of fishing equipment called Googan Baits you can expect these baits to be in stores near you soon. They also have a new warehouse. Too bad it is located in Texas. It is too far for us to drive to.

This next channel on YouTube that deserves to be pointed out. The couple is Cole and Jay, and they know a lot about things you can find in nature like snakes, lizards and other things like that. They are also great fishermen. They are husband and wife who work together to film their fishing adventures as well as other adventures they have. We enjoy watching them, but our children also love them.

Another channel on YouTube that has some funny adventures as well as interesting things for the kids to do with fishing is Monster Mike. If you have not had the chance to watch his channel, you should check it out. Especially if you have kids who are bored and want to try some cool Do It Yourself Projects that are related to fishing.

His channel is different, and he could inspire your child to get creative while they are fishing. He has a one of a kind personality and will even sing about Trivia when it is Trivia time. My girls get a kick out of it.

I saved one of the best for last. Darcizzle is from Florida and fishes Offshore, mostly. Cailey and Allie got the opportunity to write to her and she read their letter on her channel. I also sent her a recipe that she tried in one of her videos. So even you can collaborate with these people.

There are many great YouTube channels. This is only a few that I felt needed to be shared with others. These people could inspire you and/or your child to do things that are good. Fishing should be a bigger sport or pastime than it is.

I hope you enjoyed this blog. Now, if you are interested, go turn on Netflix and find Andy Griffith. Or turn on Hulu and find Brooklyn 99 and give it a try. If you are bored and enjoy fishing, check out some of these rising YouTube Stars. Inspire your children to collaborate with some of their favorite YouTube Stars.

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